More Leads More Sales More $$$ Per Sale
Hot Leads
Fresh leads ready to buy are the lifeblood of every growing business.
More Sales
Sell Healthcare Coverage year round. No more waiting for open enrollment or qualifying events.
More $$$ Per Sale
Exclusive access to the finest cross-selling platform in the USA.
At last, a complete, “done for you” SYSTEM for insurance agents who want more leads, and more sales…FAST!
It’s a complete system that takes the sweat, worry and high cost out of prospecting, selling, and cross-selling. The system is DONE FOR YOU so it’s fast, easy, and effective. Attend the presentation nearest you, and we’ll set you up for FREE.
Get More Hot Leads
Dear Fellow Agent, If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it a thousand times…
Finding Prospects Who Are Eager to Buy is the Lifeblood Of Our Business
Let’s face it. We all have problems getting fresh new leads.
It requires TOO MUCH ENERGY.
Sometimes It doesn’t even work!
Yes, putting together a truly effective lead generation system is a major hassle for the serious insurance agent who depends on results.
Hey…. have you ever thought…
“There must be an easier way!???!”
I’ve got good news for you. There is an easier way. …..
Introducing The Health Agent Success Lead Generation System
It’s a complete system that eliminates the sweat, worry and high cost of prospecting.
Step 1: Get Your Own Custom Branded Lead Generation Landing Page
Simply attend the New Healthcare Solution event in your area and we’ll create a proven, high-converting landing page. You also get a customized, customer-facing brochure that explains the everything to your clients and prospects.
Step 2: Send people to your new landing page, you’re helping them get serious savings on their meds!
They’ll save… 10% to 85%, with an average savings of 46% on their prescriptions. Save 40% to 75% on MRI and CT scans Save 10% to 60% on routine lab work Save 15% to 60% on Hearing Aids We will also give you high-converting email templates you can email to your entire book of business. They’ll love you for helping them save money on their meds!
Step 3: Follow up with those who sign up!
You’ll know right away when somebody applies for their prescription savings card. As part of the sign-up process, new members are asked if they want to see affordable healthcare options. You can contact this person right after you’ve helped them save money AND they’ve asked to see alternatives. That’s what I call a hot prospect! We’ll set you up with everything you need when you attend the Health Agent Success presentation. We’ll do all the heavy lifting so there’s no worries for you!

Secure Your Place:
Get More Money Per Sale
With our unique cross-selling platform, you will:
- provide your clients with better benefits
- save them money
- and triple your commissions!
Read on to discover more about this proprietary cross-selling system, And remember… we’ll set you up for FREE when you attend this 4 hour presentation.
Why Cross-Sell?
Your clients want & need supplemental benefits When positioned properly, 95% of your clients will buy a total of 2 to 3 policies You can increase your commissions by 200% to 300% per sale
The Best Products To Cross Sell With Health Insurance
- Accident
- Critical Illness
- Dental & Vision
- Life Insurance
Dental & Vision: Half Will Buy
50% of your clients will WANT dental and vision coverage by simply asking.
Life Insurance – One In Ten Will Buy
10% of your clients will buy life insurance by simply asking. You will know which clients will be a fit for which carrier. Clients with health conditions are the best prospects for life insurance.
How Will Your New Cross Selling Platform Help You Make Supplemental Sales?
We’ll provide you with a suite of products that provide outstanding coverage to your clients … and pay top commissions to you. The platform will automatically generate a proposal, from you, that provides a complete health benefit package.
Sales Figures From My Office
ACA Average Commission: $180 (and still declining)
New Healthcare Solution: $720
New Healthcare Solution with Supplemental Sales: $1220

“With great change comes great opportunity.”
This quote from Teddy Roosevelt describes the situation in the individual healthcare market today. We’ve had outstanding success over the last 3 years, and we are looking to share it with 1000 agents in California. Please read on to learn more. …
Trump’s Attacks On Obamacare Squeezes 6 Million Californians: Here’s One Solution For Many Of Them
Obamacare is a political Issue – whether we like it or not.
I’m not political. I’m a businessman, and I’m talking about the business of health insurance and healthcare coverage. That business is changing, and it’s going to change even more.. My name is Brent Heurter. I’m the Founder and CEO of WOW! Insurance Marketing and presenter for the Health Agent Success presentation that I hope you’ll be attending. I’m neither pro-ACA or Anti-ACA, but we have to face the facts.
- The Trump administration and many Republicans have vowed to repeal the ACA.
- ACA-opponents in the federal government control The House, Senate & Presidency
- When “repeal and replace” didn’t work in 2017, Trump and congress decided to sabotage Obamacare. (I’m not saying this is right or wrong, just that we need to recognize the reality of the situation.)
- Working overtime to repeal the law, telling the American people that the ACA is dead and gone,
- Slashing advertising by 90%
- Cutting enrollment support by 40%
- Ending key payments to insurers while Congress refused to appropriate them and take the issue off the table — the Republican Party and Trump did everything they could throughout 2017 to undermine Obamacare.
Obamacare Is Resilient, But Only For Lower Income Folks.
The Trump administration released a report recently saying that 11.8 million Americans enrolled in health coverage for 2018 through the law’s insurance marketplaces, down just a tick from the 12.2 million sign-ups in 2017. In the 2017 numbers: 11.8 million enrollees, 83 percent of whom received premium subsidies, which left them with an average monthly premium of $89. Obamacare’s marketplaces are not exactly, on the whole, a robust and competitive market. For millions of people, insurance is still unaffordable. But for millions of others, the law is providing them with meaningful financial protections against medical bankruptcy. I’m going to talk to you at the Health Agent Success presentation about helping the millions of people who find individual health insurance unaffordable, and how you can help them get coverage, and make good money doing it.
Here’s Who Is Hurt Most By The Efforts To Limit Obamacare – These are the people we can help!
One group is left out in the cold under what Obamacare has become: People making more than 400% of the federal poverty level ($81,000 for a family of three) don’t receive any help from the federal government to buy their insurance. They bear the full brunt when insurers hike their premiums to account for Trump-inspired uncertainty or the GOP’s repeal of the individual mandate.
Covered California Says Rates Will Continue To Skyrocket
If anything is predictable about the attacks on the Affordable Care Act by President Trump, and the Republican controlled Senate and House, it’s that the costs of their handiwork will be felt by ordinary Americans for years to come.
Now, thanks to Covered California, the state’s ACA insurance exchange, we have the first estimate of what those costs will be for 2019. The bottom line is premium increases in the range of 16% to 30%.
Covered California’s report is titled “The Roller Coaster Continues.” That’s apt. Beyond a background increase in medical costs of 7% across the board, the other increases are highly responsive to federal policies. Since the Trump administration took office, those policies uniformly have pressured premiums higher.
It’s not the poor who are getting hammered
Another important consideration is who will suffer most from the projected increases. It’s not the low- and moderate-income families who are insulated by federal premium subsidies, which rise as overall premiums climb. It’s families over the income limit for the subsidies, which is set at 400% of the federal poverty line. It’s crucial to bear in mind that these are not wealthy households: Their median income is $75,000, the exchange’s report finds, compared to $66,000 for all individuals ages 19 to 64.
“The working middle class that are not getting subsidies got hit hardest in 2018 and would be hit hardest in 2019,” Peter V. Lee, Covered California’s executive director.
I’ve been in the business for over 25 years and I’ve seen a lot of changes in healthcare. However the changes happening now offer the biggest opportunity I’ve seen in my career.
It’s A Perfect Storm
We have the perfect storm. Trump is in office, Obamacare is being dismantled piece by piece and healthcare premiums are skyrocketing. For the first time in their lives, well-off families are going without health insurance because they simply can’t afford it.
Here’s How You Can Make More Sales
Americans are in desperate need of affordable healthcare and we have the solution. We have an exclusive program that offers better benefits, gives Americans the freedom to go to almost every hospital or see any Doctor in the country, is half the cost of Obamacare and is exempt from the ACA, so no fines, penalties or government involvement in their healthcare.
Let Me Underline That…
– Better Benefits – Half The Cost Of Obamacare – Exempt From The ACA – Biggest & Best PPO Network In The USA
Here’s 2 More Major Advantages You’ll Have
1.Only 1000 California Agents will be allowed in the program. With the Health Agent Success system, you can now sell health coverage year round. 2. No need for qualifying events or waiting until Open Enrollment. We’ve created the environment here for the very best salespeople to thrive with the highest comp, industry-leading technology and qualified inbound leads looking for affordable healthcare. All we need you to do is help people get the affordable healthcare they need and deserve.

My Results
” I built a residual income of $112,000 per month in just one year using this system. Now I want you to get the same results.” ~ Brent Heurter
Life Agent Learns To Sell Health Coverage
“I’m still amazed. I was a struggling life agent when I met Brent. Using his system, I made $250,000.00 in my very first year selling health coverage.” ~ Scott Lemone
Why We’re Doing This
Of course you’re wondering why I’m doing this. That’s simple. I’ll get a small over-ride when you sell some or all of the suite of insurance products this system makes easy to sell. You do a lot better, and I do a little better too!
We Promise To Release You
You keep your status as an independent agent. You can continue to sell all your existing lines of business. If for any reason, or no reason at all you want to stop working with us, and we will release you, no questions asked, from that time on. …
If You Miss Out On This Opportunity Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later
You have two choices.
You can register for this 8 hour event now, or procrastinate and maybe miss out forever.
We already have over 50 agents using this system in LA County. Now, for the first time, we’re offering the entire New Healthcare Solution to agents in across California.
You get a proven lead generation system for healthcare leads.
You get a proven cross selling platform and system to sell supplemental benefits.
You’ll get appointed to sell the healthcare coverage that Forbes Magazine says is saving families $20,000.00 per year.
95% of your clients will buy critical illness and accident insurance
Increase your average commissions per sale by 700% per sale
50% of your clients will buy dental and vision coverage
1 out of 10 will buy life insurance by simply asking one question
Enroll 5 to 10 new clients every week outside of open enrollment
Make your phone light up like a Christmas tree during open enrollment with more prospects than you can handle
Exclusive Product – gives you a unique advantage over your competition
Limited to 1,000 California Health Agents
Who Else Wants
More Leads, More Sales, And More $$$ Per Sale
Ontario, CA: July 18
San Diego, CA: July 19
Pasadena, CA: July 20
Ventura, CA: July 23
Palmdale,CA: July 24
Riverside, CA: July 25
Costa Mesa, CA: July 26
Long Beach, CA: July 27
Bakersfield, CA: July 31
Fresno, CA: August 1
Salida, CA: August 2
Santa Rosa, CA: August 6
Sacramento, CA: August 7
Oakland, CA: August 8
Livermore,CA: August 9
San Jose, CA: August 10
Continental Breakfast & Lunch Included
Can’t attend, but want to know about other upcoming workshops? Call us at (888) 596-1646 or click the button below.

Want To Build A Bigger Business?
GA & MGA Contracts Available (more commissions and down-line available, recruit other agents, make over rides)