Give me 5 minutes and I’ll show you…

The Best Way
To Get FREE Health Insurance Leads
That Buy Like Crazy…

Without Spending Another Penny

At last, a complete, done-for you SYSTEM
built  BY Insurance agents FOR insurance agents
 who want more leads, and more sales…FAST!

Dear Fellow Agent,

If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it a thousand times…

Finding Prospects Who Are Eager To Buy
Is The Lifeblood Of Our Business

Let’s face it:

We all have problems getting fresh new leads.

  • It takes TOO MUCH TIME
  • It requires TOO MUCH ENERGY
  • It costs TOO MUCH MONEY



Sometimes It doesn’t even work!

Yes, putting together a really effective lead generation system is a major league hassle for the serious insurance agent who needs to get results.

Hey…. have you ever thought…

“There must be an easier way!???!”

I’ve got good news for you.

There is an easier way.

Introducing The BenefitSaver Rx Lead Generation System

It’s a complete system that takes the sweat, worry and high cost out of prospecting.


Step 1:  Get Your Own Personally Branded BenefitSaver RX Landing Page

  • Fill out the application below and we’ll create a proven, high-converting landing page.
  • You also get a customized brochure that explains the BenefitSaver RX program


Step 2:  Send people to your new landing page, you’re helping them get serious savings on their meds!

  • They’ll save 10% to 85%, with an average savings of 46% on their prescriptions.
  • Save 40% to 75% on MRI and CT scans
  • Save 10% to 60% on routine lab work
  • Save 15% to 60% on Hearing Aids


It’s as easy as adding a link to your email signature, like the example below.

John Q. Agent
A1 Insurance Services
Click Here  and Save up to 85% on Prescriptions


We will also give you proven email templates you can email to your entire book of business.  They’ll love you for helping them save money on their meds!

Step 3: Follow up with those who sign up!

  • You’ll know right away when somebody applies for their BenefitSaver RX card.
  • As part of the sign-up process, new members  are asked if they want to see affordable healthcare options.
  • You can contact this person right after you’ve helped them save money AND they’ve asked to see alternatives.  That’s what I call a hot prospect!


Step 4: Sell Health 365 Days A Year

  • We;ll help you get  appointed to sell an exclusive ACA exempt national  healthcare plan that clients can enroll year round without a qualifying event.
  • You no longer have to wait until open enrollment to sell high quality healthcare plans.
  • These plans can save your clients many thousands of dollars each year, and often will provide equal or better benefits.
  • We’ll provide you with complete training in selling these plans once you’re a member of the Benefitsaver RX Lead Generation System  


Get Started Now

<u> Click here and complete the online application form.</u>

Email us at …[email protected]


How About A Little “Sweetener” For This Deal?

For a limited time, we’re offering an additional little bonus.  Sign up now, and we’ll pay you 75 cents every time someone uses their RX card.  It’s not a lot, but every little bit helps. Some agents are already adding several thousand dollars a year to their bottom line, just from this bonus.

This makes the leads you get from the BenefitSaver Rx Lead Generation Plan better than free.